This is a videos that shows isolator, fuse block, and wiring set up. Also can turn setup on via ignition switch or toggle with no back feed to the cluster.
The main battery feed is going to a toggle switch then to energize the stinger. I ending up switching the feed to the 2nd battery so that little bit of juice wouldn’t be pulling off the main battery
The isolator serves 2 functions. 1st it allows the primary battery to reach a certain voltage before charging the 2nd battery & if the 2nd battery gets pulled down low because of accessories like the radio your primary isn’t pulled down too so you can still start the utv.
(This video is not endorsed or represented as an “Official Installation video” by True Amalgamated.
True Amalgamated accepts no responsibility for its content. It is produced by the end-user as stated. Follow entirely at your own risk.)