Welcome to my circle of friends you’ve earned it.

I First used your TRUE SBI isolator on my boat for my electric motor battery. Then put one on my Truck with the snow plow and now I had the dealer put the TRUE UTV Dual Battery Kit on my new Arctic Cat Prowler and it is functioning flawless! My daughter used the rig to feed the horses on Friday and left the accessory light bar turned on which of course ran the secondary battery completely down to like 9 volts.
Low and behold the Prowler fired right up and within a few minutes the isolator connected the second battery and began charging while I ran out to check the cows. When I returned about 2 hours later and shut the engine off the volt meter read 12.8 on the second battery so it must have charged for the full length of the trip.
I was at home but if I had been away it would not have been a good situation without your kit protecting the starting battery from discharge.
Wayne E.